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Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor a tragic love story and stormy

(Liz Taylor)

Elizabeth Taylor

in its splendor

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Endless love the history of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton "the romeo and juliet of our times"

Separated again Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

The whole world has always known that Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, were meant for each other and so did the world know after marriage and divorce 2 times 2 others, despite their explosive and fiery relationship in life was well known they both loved each other deeply. There is no doubt that his remains should be together HOWEVER, despite the wishes of Elizabeth Taylor, to rest beside his eternal love: Richard Burton, and have so stated several times in life to different friends and acquaintances, the reality is that fate and did not want: for the remains of Richard Burton, are in Switzerland, while the actress was found in Los Angeles, CA - United States of America.

If Opposites Attract

However, who lived 25 years longer than his eternal love: Richard Burton, and they were so different, because he loved her privacy and her fame, both as water and oil but also were meant for each other, despite all its setbacks and disagreements, history and the world will remember as a true partner and him as Mark Antony and Cleopatra she and her.

An unfulfilled desires and Will not Respected

They say friends and acquaintances of the couple that should be buried together, because that was his desire in life to be together and apparently it was not possible to date, even after death. The remains of Richard Burton, the famous British actor, who married and divorced in 2 markets, who died in 1984 and whose remains were found in buried in Celliny - Switzerland.

Unfortunately for Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, the diva was buried in the cemetery of the Angels against his will, as in life was very clear about this, however it is known that she lived with Richard Burton, for many years so do not thought prudent to bury in Switzerland next to his beloved to hundreds of meters from Lake Geneva.

Alcoholism and Richard Burton his Sepulchre Doom

According Esseiva Jacqueline, a 78 year old woman, who says that Elizabeth Taylor was not very often to visit the grave of her beloved Richard Burton, who spent his last days in the small town of Celigny in Switzerland, virtually admitted the local bars because it was well known by all residents of the small town that this was a hopeless alcoholic. Yes, he was once a Hollywood star, Antony Cleopatra, die in 1984 to a massive heart attack.

The Shy Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor Extroverda

According to some media, the old Jacqueline Esseiva, who knew and watched very closely the turbulent relationship between Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor, said that he (Richard Burton) was not for her (Elizabeth Taylor), because according to her, Elizabeth was pedantic and airs, while Richard was the complete opposite, simple and a bit withdrawn. Well here is confirmed or that famous saying: "Opposites attract" - "Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor."

The progenitor of Esseiva, who was of English origin, according Esseiva, had long conversations with Richard Burton who despite not understanding the French, nevertheless it was frequenting bars known Celigny Swiss village, between 1960 and early 80.

The locals commented that Richard Burton, was as big as a child playing with the children as if they were one of them, say up and down the windows of their Cadillac to please children and villagers of the place as a morning game. We also remind residents Celigny Switzerland, having crashed his car into a wall in one of his many binges.

Both Elizabeth and Richard, were remembered for his controversial personality but above all by their heated discussions among renowned dining in local restaurants, according to witnesses of these scenes, was an intensely passionate relationship but at the same time volcanic fights.

Antony and Cleopatra Royal Film Parody and Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor

The protagonists of Cleopatra: Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton met on the set of Hollywood recording, while filming the movie. In the year 1963. The couple became one of the most controversial romances of the big screen, married and divorced 2 times.

Fate again intends to separate from his beloved Elizabeth Taylor Richard Burton

It is said that Richard Burton's last wife, Sally Hay, bought an empty grave alongside that of her ex-husband Richard Burton, the grave in which he made some renovations, but some unconfirmed media report that said enlarged mortuary enclosure.

It is said that this was a ploy to Sally Hay, to try to remove Taylor from her husband Richard Burton, and so can also zoom out to his other ex-wives of this, and it was well known at least in the case of Elizabeth Taylor, his desire was to rest beside his eternal love.

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