Commercial Code of Mexico - Second Book General Trade First Title Acts of Trade and Commercial Contracts in General Chapter I Acts of Trade
COMERCIAL CODE OF MEXICO SECOND BOOK General Trade FIRST TITLE Acts of Trade and Commercial Contracts in General CHAPTER I Acts of Trade Article 75. - The law is said to be acts of commerce: I. - All acquisitions, disposals and leases for the purpose of speculation verified commercial, maintenance, articles, furniture or goods, whether in natural state, either after work or worked; II .- Purchases and sales of property, when done with the purpose of commercial speculation; III .- Purchases and sales of parts, shares and bonds of corporations; IV .- The contracts and obligations of the credit or other instruments in trade flows; V. - Supply companies and supplies; VI .- Construction companies and public and private work; VII .- The factories and manufacturing companies; VIII .- Companies transports persons or goods, by land or water, and tourism companies; IX .- Bookstores, and publishers and typographical errors; X....