Spanish Commercial Code - Book III - Maritime Navigation and Trade - Title IV - Subjects of Navigation and Maritime Commerce
SPANISH COMMERCIAL CODE Title IV SUBJECT IN NAVIGATION AND MARITIME TRADE § 1. The owner or operator Article 882. Owner or operator is the person or entity, whether or not the owner of the ship, which exploits and issues on their behalf. It is presumed that the owner or part owners of the ship are their owners, unless proven otherwise. Operator is the person without the owner's quality, by virtue of a mandate it executes its own name or that of his client contracts for transportation or other operation of ships, bearing the consequent responsibilities. The shipowner and shipping terms are understood to synonyms. Article 883. The person or entity to assume the operation of a ship owner should make declaration to the authorities in the port of enrollment. This statement shall be recorded regardless of their registration in the Registration. When it ceases in that capacity, shall request the cancellation of such entry. Failing that, these s...