Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Five - Navigation - Part One - From the Navigation Aquatics - Title IX - Maritime Transport - Chapter III - Find Sea Transport - Section III - Transportation Total or Partial Load - From: Section 1652 At: Art: 1665

Section III

Transportation to full or part load

Section 1652 .- Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section shall apply the general rules on transport of things, when the carrier is required to deliver a certain place on the calculated load capacity, all or part of a ship specified.
Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the carrier may not replace the designated ship.
Section 1653 .- They will be designed to carry the inner spaces of the ship that would not normally be used for loading, without the express consent of the transporter and not precluded by reasons of navigation safety.
Section 1654 .- If the contract does not determine the place of anchorage or mooring, the shipper may request that the ship be driven to the place designated by him, provided that no contrary order of the captain of the port.
If the charger does not designate the timely, the ship will be taken to the usual fate, and that is not possible, the captain will lead the best place to see the interests of the charger.
Section 1655 .- Unless otherwise agreed, regulation or custom to the contrary, the carrier will receive and deliver things in gear.
Section 1656 .- The carrier which has declared a greater or lesser capacity of actually having the ship is obliged to compensate the damage caused, if the difference exceeds one-twentieth.
Section 1657 .- The term of stay, unless otherwise agreed, regulation or custom to the contrary, be fixed by the port captain, taking into account the resources available in the place of loading or unloading, the structure of the ship and the nature of cargo.
Such term shall be communicated in due course who must deliver or receive things.
That term will be deducted the days when operations are interrupted or prevented by no fault of the shipper or recipient.
Section 1658 .- The days of stay for loading or for unloading will begin to run, unless otherwise agreed, regulation or local custom to the contrary, since the shipper or person who is receiving the goods give notice that the ship is ready to load or unload.
Section 1659 .- Unless otherwise agreed, regulation or local custom to the contrary, the term of demurrage will be many calendar days have been working few of stay, and run from the end of it.
Section 1660 .- If at the expiry of the term of stay for the charge has not been shipped, by fault of the charger, an amount sufficient to ensure that it be the carrier, the ship's captain may refuse to wait for the end of demurrage, unless be granted sufficient security to meet the debt.
Section 1661 .- The compensation for demurrage shall be calculated on the basis of hours and consecutive days and will be paid day by day.
In the absence of a stipulation shall be the rate of demurrage, in proportion to the capacity of the ship, according to custom.
Section 1662 .- When loading or unloading operations have been suspended or prevented by no fault of the shipper or the consignee, rather than compensation for demurrage should be given a premium in proportion to the freight.
Section 1663 .- Expiration of the period of demurrage for the charge, the captain, notice given twelve hours notice, have the power to set sail without waiting for the load or termination, and the shipper should always freight and compensation for demurrage.
Failure to make use of this option, the shipper may agree with a counter-stay for which shall be entitled to premium provided and, alternatively, to set by regulation or by custom.
In the absence of other means of regulation, the compensation shall be demurrage, increased by one half.
Section 1664 .- Expiration of the term of stay for free download it has been completed, it should offset demurrage in the previous article.
Upon expiration of demurrage shall be offset against-time in terms of the preceding article.
Section 1665 .- Compensation demurrage or counter-stay who will be responsible for the cause.
