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Colombian Trade Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Six - Procedures - Part II - Bankruptcy - From: Section 1937 At: Art 2010



Section 1937 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1938 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1939 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1940 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.

Section 1941 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.

Section 1942 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1943 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242. 
Section 1944 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1945 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1946 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1947 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1948 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1949 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1950 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1951 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1952 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1953 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1954 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1955 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1956 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1957 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1958 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1959 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1960 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1961 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1962 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1963 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1964 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1965 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1966 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1967 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1968 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1969 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1970 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1971 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1972 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1973 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1974 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1975 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1976 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1977 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1978 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1979 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1980 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1981 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1982 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1983 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1984 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1985 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1986 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1987 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1988 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1989 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1990 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1991 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1992 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1993 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1994 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1995 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1996 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1997 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1998 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 1999 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2000 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2001 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2002 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2003 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2004 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2005 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2006 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2007 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2008 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2009 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.
Section 2010 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Section 242.


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