
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como SPANISH COMERCIAL CODE TITLE VI

Spanish Commercial Code - Title VI BUSINESS MANDATE § 1. Definitions and classifications

CODE OF COMMERCE OF SPAIN Title VI BUSINESS MANDATE § 1. Definitions and classifications Article 233. The trade mandate is a contract whereby a person responsible for the execution of a lawful business or trade to another who undertakes to administer free or for a fee and to report their performance. Article 234. There are three species of commercial mandate: The commission, The mandate of the factors and young men or clerks, The brokerage, that has already been addressed in Title III of Book I. Article 235. The command takes the name of trade commission when one deals with commercial transactions or individually determined. Article 236. The person who plays a fee called commission. There are four classes of committees: Brokers to buy, Brokers to sell Freight forwarders by land, lakes, rivers or waterways, Brokers to perform banking operations. This last class is on the contract title and bills of exchange. Article 237. Factor is the m...