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The remains of Elizabeth Taylor could stand next to her lover Richard Burton

(Liz Taylor)  Elizabeth Taylor "Cleopatra - 1963" Photo Source:  Wikimediacommons Public domain image View License Details:  Click Here Love that joined to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, may continue to the grave Elizabeth Taylor: "Funeral will be a Happy Ending" The family of Richard Burton, the former marriage of Elizabeth Taylor, made available to the famous actress her family vault for resting the remains of the diva by her lover. Like Romeo and Juliet, you could title this sad and heartfelt story of love, where the latter apparently going to be successful, because it is no secret that the true love of the diva, was: Richard Burton, British actor also famous . As a romantic tragedy, where the love at the end emerges victorious. EFE International News The relatives of British actor Richard Burton, who once back out he husband (Liz) - Elizabeth Taylor, who married 2 times good for the family of deceased actor also ...