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Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Five - Navigation - Part One - From the Navigation Aquatics - Title III - Maritime Agent - From: Section 1489 to: 1494 Art



Section 1489 .- Shipping agent is the person who repres enta ground * the owner for all purposes related to the ship.
Section 1490 .- When the shipping agent is a corporation, sixty percent of the capital, at least, must belong to individuals in Colombia.
Section 1491 .- The shipping agent must register with the national maritime authority. To register by filing application with the following documents:
1. Certificate of registration in the commercial register;
2. Certificate from the competent authority with evidence that has not been punished for crimes under criminal customs status;
3. Certificate of the port authorities with evidence that it has brokered vessels without registration;
4. Security, the nature and amount shall be fixed by the maritime authority, in accordance with the regulations;
5. List of ships going to solicitation and copies of relevant contracts;
6. Affidavit of non transport operator, and 
7. Certificate from the harbor master with evidence that is appropriate to meet local shipping agency.
Paragraph .- You must also meet the requirements specified in the regulations.
Section 1492 .- The obligations of the agent:
Section 1493 .- The shipping agent may require repayment of advances made on behalf of the owner or master and receiving the emoluments due to him.
Section 1494 .- The maritime authority canceled the license of the agent when it has been obtained without meeting the requirements of Article 1491, or not after their registration is suspended for offenses under the criminal statute customs or agenciare unmarked ships, or exercising an activity employer's transport, or fails to take in Colombian port facilities.
Paragraph .- The shipping agent to whom the license has been canceled may be reinstated only after 10 years from the date of cancellation.
1. Representing the owner in all dealings relating to contracts of carriage;
2. Manage all administrative issues related to the permanence of the ship in port;
3. Deliver to their respective customs and orders of the consignee of the goods transported by ship;
4. Represent legally the owner and the master in regard to the obligations relating to the ship agency;
5. Individually and jointly respond to the captain of the ship agency, the failure to comply with obligations concerning the delivery or receipt of goods;
6. Reply by the objects and values ​​received;
7. Reply personally when hired transport or freight without disclosing the name of the company or ship agency, and
8. Jointly liable with the shipowner and the captain, for all sorts of obligations to ship these contract agencies in the country.


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