
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como SPANISH COMMERCIAL CODE NAVIGABLE

Spanish Commercial Code - Book II - Contracts and Obligations in General - Part V - Transportation by Land, lakes, canals or navigable rivers

CODE OF COMMERCE OF SPAIN Title V TRANSPORT BY LAND, lakes, canals or navigable rivers § 1. Definitions and general rules Article 166. Transportation is a contract whereby one undertakes for a price to drive from one place to another by land, canals, lakes or navigable rivers, passengers or goods of others, and deliver them to the person to whom they are directed. It is called carrier who assumes the obligation to drive. That makes driving water takes the name of employer or boatman. Magazine called, the shipper or consignor to self or others responsible driving. Consignee is called the person who sent the goods. A person can be both shipper and consignee. The amount the shipper or, where appropriate, the consignee are required to pay conduction is called size. The exercised by the industry to transport people or goods by employees and their dependents in our own vehicles or who are at your service, called transport entrepreneur, but sometimes ru...