Constitution of the Republic of Colombia of 1.991
Scales of Justice Political Constitution of Colombia 1991 Author Photo: Shebs Stanl Source:Wikimedia Commons License: Public Domain Image View License Details: Click Here Know your rights, duties and obligations "Constitution of the Republic of Colombia (1991)" PREAMBLE THE PEOPLE OF COLOMBIA In exercising its sovereign power, represented by its delegates to the National Assembly, invoking God's protection and to strengthen the unity of the nation and ensure its members life, peaceful coexistence, work, justice , equality, knowledge, freedom and peace within a framework legal, democratic and participatory to ensure a political, economic and social right, and pledged to promote the integration of the Latin American community, decree, approves and promulgates the Next Constitution of Colombia. TITLE I Fundamental Principles TITLE II Rights, Duties and Guarantees Title III of the People and Land TITLE IV Democratic Participation and Pol...