Colombian Trade Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Five - Navigation - Part One - From the Navigation Aquatics - Title XIII - Marine Insurance - Part II - Aeronautics - Chapter III - Aircraft - From: Section 1789 to: 1799 Art



Section 1789 .- Aircraft is considered, for purposes of this Code, anyone who maneuver in flight capable of moving in space and is suitable for transporting people or things.
Devices that are supported and moved through the system called "air cushion" are excluded from the provisions of this Book.
Section 1790 .- The aviation authority shall establish the technical requirements to be met by aircraft and dictate the rules of operation and maintenance thereof.
The aviation authority shall issue a certificate of airworthiness, in certifying the operating conditions of the aircraft.
Section 1791 .- All aircraft must also bear the certificate of airworthiness and other documents as determined by the FAA.
Section 1792 .- The registration office will depend on the national aeronautical aeronautical authority, and shall maintain the aeronautical law or regulations determine.
Section 1793 .- Registration means the act by which Colombian nationality is conferred to an aircraft, and is the registration of the same national aircraft registry.
Section 1794 .- All aircraft registered in Colombia will, as badges of nationality, the Colombian flag and the group of signs determined by the aeronautical authority.
Section 1795 .- To register an aircraft shall meet the requirements in the regulations.
If it is commercial service aircraft are required to own and control real and effective belong to individuals or corporations in Colombia that also meet the requirements stated in Article 1426 of this Book.
Section 1796 .- The registration of an aircraft may be canceled in accordance with the regulations in the following cases:
1. When the aviation authority grants permission for enrollment in another country;
2. When authorized to export, after approval from aviation authorities;
3. When required to put it permanently out of service;
4. By destruction or disappearance properly audited;
5. By decision of the aviation authority or competent authority, when it is established that the registration was granted improperly;
6. When it does any of the requirements for initial registration, but this cancellation may be subject to the presence of the aircraft in Colombia, and
7. In other cases determined by law.
In the case of ordinals 1st. and 2nd. This article requires the prior cancellation charges and records of liens and civil actions, unless authorized by the creditors.
Where appropriate the deregistration, it will be a reasoned decision of the FAA.
Section 1797 .- The aviation authority may, for the purpose of import, allowing the use of a Colombian national brands and other distinctive suitable for the identification of aircraft.
These aircraft may be operated upon provisional license for the aviation authority, being subject to the rules in this Code.
The person to whom such license has been granted shall be deemed the operator of the aircraft.
Section 1798 .- The acts and contracts for sale and charges for aircraft not registered in Colombia, validly concluded in a foreign country, duly authenticated and translated into Spanish, will have full effect in the country, provided they register in the national aviation record.
Section 1799 .- The provisions on nationality and registration of aircraft shall be without prejudice to have or may have international treaties on multinational companies in which persons or entities in Colombia.


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