Barcelona Campus Mac About 200 experts and fans of Apple products
BARCELONA CAMPUSMAC "Apple Mac" More than 200 experts and fans of Apple's Mac applications, known as maqueros will meet in Barcelona Apple Mac Experts and Amateurs Barcelona, 6 ago (EFE) .- About 200 experts and fans of Apple products , the technology firm apple , popularly known as "maqueros" participate in the XI edition of CampusMac held these days in Barcelona. This "lan party"-a passionate event that brings together the information to their computers for a few days sharing experiences, information and entertainment, continues without interruption for four days in the University Residence Agora of the Catalan capital. In CampusMac Attendees participate in one of the workshops scheduled to get the most out of your programs and applications in areas related to video, photography, illustration, special effects, among others. Among the experts who teach the workshops is Manuel Linares, director of Art News 7, the artist and...