In Los Angeles, Ca., Elizabeth Taylor was buried in a private funeral and felt
(Liz Taylor) Elizabeth Taylor "Cleopatra - 1963" Photo Source: Wikimediacommons Public domain image View License Details: Click Here Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor, Inseparable friends The remains of the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor, accountability very close to the King of Pop and his inseparable friend Michael Jackson, in the cemetery in Los Angeles Ca and private funeral ceremony was preceded by a small entourage or caravan of closest friends and family, yet their fans, onlookers and reporters were present in the vicinity of it, without having direct access to the private ceremony. Elizabeth Taylor and the Fight Against AIDS Elizabeth Taylor, was famous as an advocate and activist for the rights diligent and quality of life of people living with HIV, in addition to sponsoring many campaigns and organizations to raise funds towards study and a more effective drugs possible cure of human immunodeficiency syndrome, better known as AIDS. Dee...