Colombian Trade - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Five - Navigation - Part One - From the Navigation Aquatics - Title XIII - Marine Insurance - Chapter IV - Guarantees - From: Section 1715 to: 1721 Art



Section 1715 .- In marine insurance warranty may be express or implied. Unless you are incompatible, express and implied warranty are excluded to each other.
Section 1716 .- Ensure neutral, the insured property must have the character to the initiation of risk and preserve it, as dependent on the insured during the term of insurance.
Guaranteed the neutrality of the ship, this should carry proper documentation of their neutrality, as this fact depends on the insured.
Section 1717 .- In the travel policy exist implied warranty that at the beginning of the voyage, the ship is in seaworthy in relation to the issue specifically insured. If the policy is to take effect while the ship is in port, there is also an implied warranty that at the beginning of the risk, the ship is capable of reasonable fitness to meet the ordinary perils of the port.
If the policy refers to a trip to be developed in stages, during which the ship requires different kinds of preparation or equipment, there is also an implied warranty that at the beginning of each stage will be used preparations or equipment necessary so that the ship is fit for sea in relation to the respective stage.
Section 1718 .- At the time there will be policy implied warranty that the ship is at the time of sailing, in seaworthy.
Section 1719 .- It is presumed that a vessel is in seaworthy when the respective current navigation license.
Section 1720 .- The implied warranty of seaworthiness shall not extend to goods transport insurance.
Section 1721 .- In all marine insurance policy built means ensuring that the issue is legal and that, in dependent of the insured, to be conducted legally.


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