Federal Civil Code of the United States of Mexico - First Book - The Twelfth Sixth Title By Title TITLE SIX Kinship, Food and Family Violence CHAPTER I Kinship
TITLE SIX Kinship, Food and Family Violence CHAPTER I Kinship Article 292 .- The law only recognizes the relationship of consanguinity, affinity and civil. Article 293 .- The relationship of inbreeding is that between people who are descended from a single progenitor. In the case of full adoption, be equal to the blood relationship that exists between the adopted, the adoptive relatives and descendants of this one, as if the child was adopted by blood. Article 294 .- The relationship by marriage is that marriage is contracted, between male and relatives of the woman, and between women and male relatives. Article 295 .- The civil relationship is born of simple adoption, and only between adopter and adopted. Article 296 .- Each generation forms a degree, and the series of degrees is what is called lineage. Article 297 .- The line is straight or cross, the line consists of the series of degrees between persons descended one fro...