Abdication (waived any right or reject the use of it)
The Abdication is the fact or circumstance in which the individual or person willfully refuses or waiver of a right inherited, constitutional, political or promulgated by their peers. Also a person who abandons his beliefs, ideas or work in some way makes them Abdication. The Latin word is written Abdication abdicatio whose term comes. The Abdication is then understood as the fact by which an individual rejects or renounces their own free will that is playing the position before the expiry or validity. Under Roman law the word Abdication is used to denote the status of a family member who is dispossessed or voluntary or involuntary forced by prevailing circumstances to give up their inherited rights, constitutional, or similar. However it should be noted that the term Abdication is commonly used to refer to rejection of a waiver or noble or political one count of state or high-ranking nobility. When the person in question quits a tangible asset is not correct to use the t...