Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Five - Navigation - Part One - From the Navigation Aquatics - Title VI - Risks and Damages in Maritime Navigation - Chapter II - Implementation - From: Section 1531 to: Art: 1539



Section 1531 .- A collision occurred by force majeure or cause that is not possible to determine unequivocally, those who bear the damage suffered.
Section 1532 .- Collision occurred because the captain, the pilot or other crew member of one of the ships, they jointly liable with the owner to pay damages.
Section 1533 .- A collision by mutual blame equally liable if it is not possible to determine the relative magnitude of faults.
Section 1534 .- In the case referred to in the preceding article shall be responsible for the ships of solidarity, respect of others, for damages.
Section 1535 .- The fault of the pilot will not change the liability regime for boarding under the foregoing provisions, but the master or owner shall be entitled to compensation for the pilot, or company to which it belongs.
Section 1536 .- In a collision, the captain of every ship shall, as to do so without serious danger to his ship or persons on board to render assistance to another ship, the crew and passengers.
Will be obliged, if possible, to give notice to the other ship in the identification of his own, harbor, and their places of origin and destination.
Section 1537 .- Will rise to the compensation provided in this chapter even if that approach occurs between vessels belonging to the same owner or operated by the same owner.
Section 1538 .- The provisions above the compensation for damage caused to a ship to another, to things or persons on board of them, performance or omission of a maneuver, for breach of regulations or custom, even when there is no collision.
Section 1539 .- The actions arising from the approach prescribed by the lapse of two years from the date of the accident.


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