Spanish Commercial Code - Book I - Of Merchants and Agents Trade - Title III
CODE OF COMMERCE OF SPAIN Title III CORRIDOR Article 48. Brokers are public officers empowered by law to dispense mediation employed traders and facilitate the completion of their contracts. Article 49. In the squares of commerce may designate the President of the Republic will be a fixed number of brokers, provided its population and the extent of its traffic. The number will be determined by special regulations. Article 50. Runners shall be appointed by the President of the Republic on the three candidates of the courts of commerce. In districts where there are two or more courts before which commercial matters, the proposal made by the man that is on duty at the time of the creation of the plaza or vacancy. Article 51. To form the trio convened trade courts to contest, and people want to take part in it must demonstrate a consistent manner the legal and moral fitness, and possession of the knowledge required for the accurate performance of ...