Manual Single National Disability Rating to Colombia - Decree 917 of 1999 (Part I of II) - Chapter VI - 6. Genital and urinary systems 6.1 General - 6.2.1. Evaluation criteria for the deficiency of upper urinary tract
MANUAL SINGLE NATIONAL DISABILITY (PART I OF II) CHAPTER VI 6. Genital and urinary systems 6.1 General This chapter defines the criteria for assessing the deficiencies in the body of persons on the permanent damage caused by diseases of the genital system, urinary, or both. The analysis of this system includes the upper urinary tract, bladder, urethra, male genitalia and female genitalia. It requires an observation period of at least one year after the transplant to reasonably determine whether the patient has reached the desired point and steady improvement. 6.2.1. Evaluation criteria for the deficiency of upper urinary tract. TABLE No. 6.1: CRITERIA FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF GLOBAL GAP FOR UPPER URINARY TRACT PATHOLOGY Class Description of criteria Global Deficit (%) I · There is a decrease of the upper urinary tract function defined by a creatinine clearance 75 to 90 litros/24 hours (between 52-62.5 ml / min.) And has a Fenolsulfonoftaleí...