
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como MANUAL COL. DISABILITY

Manual Single National Disability Rating to Colombia - Decree 917 of 1999 (Part I of II) - Chapter III - 3. RHEUMATOLOGY 3.1 GENERAL

MANUAL SINGLE NATIONAL DISABILITY (PART I OF II) CHAPTER III 3. RHEUMATOLOGY 3.1 GENERAL The rheumatic diseases discussed in this chapter, mainly undertake the associated musculoskeletal or parenchymal involvement from other organs or systems, such as the kidney, lung, heart, central and peripheral nervous system, whose deficiencies should be evaluated in the respective chapters each of them. The various shortcomings of the locomotor system will be analyzed carefully considering the following: 1. Pathology. 2. Medical-surgical therapy applied. 3. Program of physical medicine and rehabilitation 4. Time course of the disease and possible recovery. 5. Degree of permanent functional impairment. 3.1.1 Classification of rheumatic diseases While the International Classification of rheumatic diseases makes specific distinctions, for practical purposes can be grouped into four main types of pathologies. 1. Inflammatory. 2. Degenerative di...