Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Title IV - Transportation Agreement - Chapter II - Transportation of Persons - From: Section 1000 to: 1007 Art
COLOMBIAN COMMERCIAL CODE CHAPTER II Transportation of people Section 1000 .- Modified. Decree 01 of 1990, Section 15. The passenger is obliged to pay the passage and observe the safety conditions imposed by the carrier and by government regulations and meet the regulations of the company, the latter if they are displayed in places where they are easily known by the user or included in the ticket or ticket. The contract to another by relatively incapable person shall not be voidable. Section 1001 .- The ticket or ticket issued by the transport operator shall contain the specifications required by the official regulations and may be transferred only in accordance with them. Section 1002 .- Modified. Decree 01 of 1990, Section 16. The passenger transport can cancel the contract entitled to full or partial repayment of the passage, giving notice to the carrier, as is established in the official rules, the contract or failing that, by custom. Section 1003...