
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como BIOLOGICAL BUMBLEBEE ANATOMY


Bumblebee Anatomy Biological Source Wikimedia Commons Bumblebees have a long tubular proboscis language called. Which is composed of various elements or mouthparts, using the proboscis of bumblebees are able to absorb nectar from the flowers on which they feed often said external digestive organ is not only complex and very useful, but is also designed to expand when feeding on flowers in which the nectar is difficult Abscess.  Also when quench their thirst of floral nectar, the Bumblebees can get its proboscis and getting it his chin to his chest and to facilitate their flight from flower to flower, using the forest, fields of flowers; and to and from the hive. Bumblebees often mix their saliva with pollen gathered from the flowers they visit They have salivary glands in your chest cavity to help them in this previous digestive process. When this mixture of saliva and regurgitated pollen is eventually dries and hardens hard, thus making it very useful for the co...