Encrypt and Decrypt Cryptography (from Greek krypto κρύπτω, "hidden" and γράφω graphos, "write", literally "hidden writing") is the art ociencia to encrypt and decrypt information using special techniques and is often used to allow an exchange of messages that only can be read by people who are targeted and have the means to decipher. Cryptography Encrypt and Decrypt License Font More precisely, when it comes to this area of knowledge and science, one should speak of cryptology, which in turn includes both encryption techniques, ie, cryptography itself as complementary techniques, among which is included cryptanalysis, which studies methods for breaking ciphertexts in order to recover the original information in the absence of the keys. Cryptography Concepts In the jargon of cryptography, the original information to be protected is called plaintext or cleartext. Encryption is the process of converting plain text into un...