
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como ABACUS TYPES MESOPOTAMIAN

Types Abacus - Abacus Mesopotamian

Archaic Mesopotamina Abacus Abacus Stone Numeric Chart Mesopotamian Numeric Charter of Mesopotamian Rests in the Louvre Source: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Mesopotamian Abacus Originis Believed That this Mesopotamian abacus, was used by the Babylonians Also approximately the year 2700 and the year 2600 BC (Before Christ). Unfortunately to date the origin of the abacus as Previously Mentioned in like writings, it is clear That is different about recent and ancient historians have different dubious assumptions about some of them agree That the origin of this fabulous and primitive tool calculation and computing Originated in India, Mesopotamia and Egypt. The period 2700-2300 BC saw the first appearance of the Sumerian Abacus, a table of successive columns Which delimited the successive orders of magnitude of Their sexagesimal number system. Materials and Construction Mesopotamian Abacus The Abacus Mesopotamian, was built in flat stone and a kin...

Abacus and Abacus types (Frame Count - Calculator Manual)

The Abacus, an ancient tool CalculationManual,  still used today Photo Source Picasa Web abum View License Details Click Here The Abacus, also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool used primarily in parts of Asia for the exercise of arithmetic processes. Today, nomograms are often constructed as a bamboo frame with beads sliding on wires, but originally they were beans or stones, then moved into the grooves in the sand or on tablets of wood, stone or metal. The abacus was for centuries before the adoption of the modern system of numerals written and is still widely used by traders, merchants and dependent on Asia, Africa andelsewhere. The user of an abacus is called a abacist. Etymology of Abacus - (Abacus and Abacus types Frame Count) The use of the word abacus dates back to dates before 1387 AD, when an Englishman working in the middle of America borrowed the word to describe an abacus sandboarding. The word cam...