Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Five - Navigation - Part One - From the Navigation Aquatics - Title VIII - ship financing - Chapter II - Privileges on things - CHARGED: Art 1566 By: Art : 1569


Privileges on things loaded

Section 1566 .- Have privileges on things loaded:
1. The expense due to the tax because of the things charged, made in the common interest of creditors for actions to conserve them, and court costs caused;
2. Taxing rights over things in the place of unloading;
3. The assistance and salvage remuneration and charges for general average contribution, and
4. Claims arising from the contract of carriage, including the cost of unloading and the rights of warehousing or storage of downloaded stuff.
Section 1567 .- The privileges specified in the preceding Article may be exercised on the compensation payable for loss or damage of the things loaded, unless those are used in replacement or repair.
In this case things to replace the losses will affect the privilege.
Section 1568 .- The liens on loaded goods have the same priority order in which they are contained. Indicated in clauses 3o. and 4. Article 1566, will be graduated according to the reverse order of the dates on which they have caused. And those indicated in the other ordinals, in reverse order, but only when they originate in different ports. Caused in the same port, will be paid pro rata.
Section 1569 .- The privileges of the things shall expire:
1. If creditors exert the action within fifteen days from the date of discharge, and
2. If things have been transferred and delivered to third parties in good faith free of guilt.


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