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Colombian Trade Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book Five - Navigation - Part One - From the Navigation Aquatics - Title XIII - Marine Insurance - Part II - Aeronautics - Chapter IV - Airman - From: Section 1800 to: 1807 Art



Section 1800 .- Aviation personnel means those persons on board aircraft or land, perform functions directly related to the technique of air navigation.
Section 1801 .- Corresponds to the FAA's determination of the functions to be performed by aviation personnel, conditions and requirements necessary for its exercise, and to issue the respective licenses.
No person may exercise the functions assigned aviation personnel, if not holder of a license that enables it to fulfill these functions.
Section 1802 .- In the absence of international treaties and reciprocity requirement, the FAA may recognize licenses issued abroad, provided that these have been validly issued by the competent authority and issuance requirements are equivalent to those required by Colombian law.
Section 1803 .- Every company should occupy Colombian aviation Colombian workers in proportion not less than ninety percent.
The same rule applies to foreign companies who have established agency or branch in Colombia with respect to personnel assigned to them.
This percentage does not apply to foreign workers from countries that offer reciprocity to Colombian workers.
The aviation authority may for justified reasons and the time required, which takes into account the limit specified in this article.
Section 1804 .- The crew of an aircraft consists of the aircraft designed to provide personal service on board.
All aircraft must have onboard a pilot qualified to lead, invested with the functions of commander.
His appointment is for the operator, who will be representative. When such a designation does not appear explicitly, the pilot shall be commander heading the list of crew members on board documents.
Except as provided in the rules for special cases, on public transport aircraft registered in Colombia, the commander is from Colombia.
Section 1805 .- The commander is responsible for the operation and safety of the aircraft. Both crew members and passengers are subject to their authority.
The authority and responsibility of the commander started from the moment he receives the aircraft for the trip, until the delivery to the operator or the competent authority.
Section 1806 .- The commander may make the purchases and expenses necessary for the onward journey and to safeguard people, property and aircraft transported. But the operator should be consulted as soon as possible.
In the documentation on board public transport aircraft, in addition to statutory powers, shall include the special operator gives the commander.
Section 1807 .- The powers of the commander of the aircraft:
1. Open and close the flight plan before the start of the journey and the end of it;
2. To verify that the aircraft and crew members hold books, certificates and licenses required;
3. Written record in the logbook of the births, deaths and other events that may have legal consequences, occurring on board or in flight;
4. Take steps to make available to the competent authority to the person who commits a crime on board and
5. Determine, in an emergency, the airport have to land.


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