
Mostrando las entradas etiquetadas como MANUAL NATIONAL DISABILITY COLOMBIA BALANCE

Manual Single National Disability Rating to Colombia - Decree 917 of 1999 (Part II of II) - Chapter XIII

MANUAL SINGLE NATIONAL DISABILITY (PART II OF II) CHAPTER XIII 13. SENSES: vision, hearing and balance, speech, smell, taste 13.1 VISUAL SYSTEM Overview 13.1.1 For purposes of qualifying for the deficiency by alterations in the vision system should be taken into account the following criteria: a) Assessment of visual acuity b) Assessment of visual field, and c) Assessment of ocular motility. In cases of impaired visual acuity and / or visual field, should make the assessment of impairment after refractive correction of the defect presented by the individual. When changes are more than one of the above criteria should be combined deficiency values ​​assigned to each of them, for the overall deficit by altering the visual system. 13.1.2. Criteria for the assessment of impairment by changes in central visual acuity. Under the specialist system used for detecting disorders of visual acuity, using the English or the metric system, will use the ...