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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2013

Types Abacus - Abacus Mesopotamian

Archaic Mesopotamina Abacus Abacus Stone Numeric Chart Mesopotamian Numeric Charter of Mesopotamian Rests in the Louvre Source: Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Mesopotamian Abacus Originis Believed That this Mesopotamian abacus, was used by the Babylonians Also approximately the year 2700 and the year 2600 BC (Before Christ). Unfortunately to date the origin of the abacus as Previously Mentioned in like writings, it is clear That is different about recent and ancient historians have different dubious assumptions about some of them agree That the origin of this fabulous and primitive tool calculation and computing Originated in India, Mesopotamia and Egypt. The period 2700-2300 BC saw the first appearance of the Sumerian Abacus, a table of successive columns Which delimited the successive orders of magnitude of Their sexagesimal number system. Materials and Construction Mesopotamian Abacus The Abacus Mesopotamian, was built in flat stone and a kin

Tipos de Ábacos - Ábaco Mesopotámico

Origen del Ábaco Mesopotámico Se cree que el Ábaco Mesopotámico , fue utilizado también por los babilonios aproximadamente entre el año 2700 y el año 2600 A.C. (Antes de Cristo). Infortunadamente a la fecha el origen del  Ábaco como se ha mencionado anteriormente en escritos similares, no es clara; es decir al respecto diferentes historiadores recientes y antiguos tienen diferentes hipótesis al respecto, algunos de ellos concuerdan en que el origen del  Ábaco Mesopotámico ; esta fabulosa y primitiva herramienta de cálculo y computo tuvo su origen en India, Mesopotamia y Egipto.  El período 2700-2300 A.C. Vio la primera aparición de los  Ábacos  Sumerios, una tabla de columnas sucesivas que delimitaban las órdenes sucesivas de magnitud de su sexagesimal sistema numérico. Materiales y Construcción del Ábaco Mesopotámico El Ábaco Mesopotámico , fue construido en piedra plana y una especie de mezcla de arena. En la cual se dibujaban las letras en la arena y colocaban pied

Types Abacus - Abacus Egyptian

From Abacus  to the Computer Source images Wikimedia Commons Free Images Copyright In his famous historical chronicles, and Herodotus spoke of Egyptian abacus, a simple and clear Herodotus tells us that the Egyptian Abacus, work unlike the Greek abacus, ie disks that were used as kind of similar spheres to count the use given to them in the actual Western abacus. But unlike the current basic abacus the Egyptian abacus was used in reverse to Greek abacus.  Lacking Egyptian Abacus Archaeological Testing - (Types Abacus, Abacus Egyptian) Information is available about it is purely subjective and suposicional, since there is strong evidence of the exact use to be Abacus gave this Egyptian. But archaeologists have found disks that were part of custom create sophisticated Egyptians Abacus. Other historical sources - Egyptian Abacus - (Types Abacus, Abacus Egyptian) Other historical sources claim that the origin of the abacus dates bac

Types of Abacuses, Russian Abacus

Types of Abacus Russian Abacus Photo Source Wikimedia Commons License Public Domain There are many varieties of Abacus, in the case of the Russian abacus, not the exception. The Russian Abacus School (счёты), is characterized by a sloping roof, with 10 ovals or spheres or hemispheres like beads on each wire (execptuando a wire, the 4th. They usually do not have 10 but four pearls, beads or hemispheres wood. These four counts, hemispheres or wooden beads are used for fractional quarter rubles). Older models of Russians have another cable Abacus 4 quarter- kopeks accounts, which were minted until 1916. The Russian abacus is often used vertically, with wires or wires from left to right along the lines of a book. Wires, cables or threads usually tend to lean or accumulate on the top center of the abacus, to maintain the spheres, beads, beads or pearls, placed at either side. In the case of Russian Abacus, such a count, is cleared when all grains, beads, or b

Abacus Types - Roman Abacus

Copper Count Table Roman Types of Abacus Abacus Roman Photo Source:  Wikimedia Commons In the picture you can see a reconstruction or a copy of Roman Abacus, made ​​by the German Museum in Mainz RGZ, better known as Museum Mainz in 1977. The Original Roman Abacus, made ​​of bronze and is in the National Library of France in Paris.  The ancient Romans developed an abacus in its completely portable base 10, much like its predecessor, the base 10 Babylonian abacus . It was the first portable calculating device for engineers, merchants and presumably tax collectors. The Romans designed with the aim of reducing the time required to perform basic arithmetic operations, using of course, Roman numerals.  As Karl Menninger says on page 315 of his book, "For long and complicated calculations, for example to survey or census of the landlords and their possessions, used in addition to hand abacus, a true calculation with unit counters or pebbles. Cameo Abacus

Tipos de Ábacos - Ábaco Egipcio

Fuente Imagen Wikimedia Commons, Photorack Net Imagen Libre de Derechos de Autor En sus famosas crónicas históricas, ya Herodoto nos hablaba del Ábaco Egipcio, de manera sencilla y clara Herodoto, nos dice que el Ábaco Egipcio, funcionaba al contrario del Ábaco Griego, es decir que los discos que se utilizaban como especie de esferas para contar; similares al uso que se les daba en el ábaco actual occidental. Pero a diferencia del ábaco básico actual, el Ábaco Egipcio se utilizaba de manera inversa al Ábaco Griego.  Carentes Pruebas Arqueológicas del Ábaco Egipcio La información que se dispone al respecto es meramente subjetiva y suposicional, ya que no hay pruebas contundentes del el uso exacto que se le daba a este Ábaco Egipcio. Sin embargo los arqueólogos, han encontrado discos que se cree hacían parte de personalizados y sofisticados Ábacos Egipcios. Historia del Ábaco Egipcio Otras fuentes históricas, aseguran que el origen del Ábaco se remonta al antiguo E