Uruguayan women are more educated suffer more wage gap to Men


Montevideo, June 24 (EFE) .- The Uruguayan Women with more education have a higher wage gap with men than those with less education, according to a report released today by the Institute of Women of the South American country. The document, titled "Inequalities in income, what is the economic empowerment of women?" Also reaffirms the fact that even with more education than or equal to men, women earn less in private business to perform the same task. 

On average, the Uruguayan perceive 69% of the income received by a man, a difference that increases with increasing age of women, and that the study has remained stable over the last decade.
The report notes that despite the notion that there is about studying how to match income women with college education earn only 73.9% of what it perceives a man with similar studies, while those with only three years study 84.4% gain compared to men.

Studies between 10 and 12 years, the Uruguayan win 75.7% of men.

Furthermore, the document also revealed that 18% of Uruguayan women 14 years or more do not have any own personal income, a figure that rises to 26% among those who belong to the poorest sectors of society.
The public sector is the only one where there is no wage discrimination and equal remuneration per hour of work. EFE


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