Commercial Code of Mexico - Book Five - Third Title - Trials of the Executive
COMERCIAL CODE OF MEXICO BOOK FIVE THIRD TITLE Trials of the Executive Article 1391 .- The executive procedure takes place when the petition was based on document entailing execution. Has coincided with implementation: I. The final sentence or passed on res judicata and arbitration is final, pursuant to Article 1346, observing the provisions of the 1348; II. Public instruments, as well as testimonies and certified copies of the same issued by the notary public; III. The judicial confession of the debtor, according to art. 1288; IV. The credits; V. Insurance policies under the law of matter; VI. The decision of the experts appointed in insurance to fix the amount of the claim, observing the requirements of law on the subject; VII. Invoices, accounts and any other trade agreements signed and legally recognized by the debtor, and VIII. Other documents that provision of the law have the character of executive or which by the...