Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Title XIII - The Mandate - Chapter VI - Proposition - From: Section 1332 to: 1339 Art
CHAPTER VI Preposition Section 1332 .- The preposition is a form of mandate concerns the management of a commercial establishment or a part or branch of activity of the same. In this case, the president will be called factor. Section 1333 .- The preposition must be registered in the commercial register, however, third parties can prove their existence by all evidence. The revocation must also enroll in the Commercial Register, to be effective against third parties. Section 1334 .- Repealed. Law 27 of 1997 and Act 222 of 1995. Section 1335 .- Factors may enter into or perform all acts related to the ordinary business of the establishment managed, including divestitures and charges of the elements of the establishment are included within this turn, as the preponente not expressly limit those powers , the limitation must be registered in the commercial register, to be effective against third parties. Section 1336 .- Factors should always act on behalf of...