Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book II - Of Corporations - Part I - Partnership Agreement - Chapter I - General Provisions - From Article 98 to Article 109
COLOMBIAN COMMERCIAL CODE SECOND BOOK BUSINESS CORPORATIONS TITLE I PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT CHAPTER I General Provisions Article 98 .- By the contract of society two or more people forced to make a contribution in money, work or other significant assets in cash, to divide among themselves the profits earned in the business or social activity. The company, once legally constituted as a legal person distinct from the partners individually considered. Article 99 .- The ability of the company shall be limited to the development of the business or activity under its object. Be understood to include the social order acts directly related to it and which are designed to exercise the rights or fulfill its obligations, legal or conventionally derived from the existence and activity of society. Article 100 .- Modified. Act 222 of 1995, Article 1. Will be considered as commercial, for all legal purposes forming societies for the execution of ...