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Mexico's Comercial Code Book Four First Title From Bankruptcy Chapter I General Provisions




From Bankruptcy 


General Provisions


Article 945 .- (Repealed).

Article 946 .- (Repealed).

Article 947 .- (Repealed).

Article 948 .- (Repealed).

Article 949 .- (Repealed).

Article 950 .- (Repealed).

Article 951 .- (Repealed).


Classification of Bankruptcy


Article 952 .- (Repealed).

Article 953 .- (Repealed).

Article 954 .- (Repealed).

Article 955 .- (Repealed).

Article 956 .- (Repealed).

Article 957 .- (Repealed).

Article 958 .- (Repealed).

Article 959 .- (Repealed).

Article 960 .- (Repealed).

Article 961 .- (Repealed).


Effects of the State of Bankruptcy


Article 962 .- (Repealed).

Article 963 .- (Repealed).

Article 964 .- (Repealed).

Article 965 .- (Repealed).

Article 966 .- (Repealed).

Article 967 .- (Repealed).

Article 968 .- (Repealed).

Article 969 .- (Repealed).

Article 970 .- (Repealed).

Article 971 .- (Repealed).

Article 972 .- (Repealed).

Article 973 .- (Repealed).

Article 974 .- (Repealed).

Article 975 .- (Repealed).

Article 976 .- (Repealed).

Article 977 .- (Repealed).

Article 978 .- (Repealed).

Article 979 .- (Repealed).

Article 980 .- (Repealed).

Article 981 .- (Repealed).

Article 982 .- (Repealed).

Article 983 .- (Repealed).


In the Time of Bankruptcy


Article 984 .- (Repealed).

Article 985 .- (Repealed).

Article 986 .- (Repealed).

Article 987 .- (Repealed).


Convention fractions with Creditors


Article 988 .- (Repealed).

Article 989 .- (Repealed).

Article 990 .- (Repealed).

Article 991 .- (Repealed).

Article 992 .- (Repealed).

Article 993 .- (Repealed).

Article 994 .- (Repealed).

Article 995 .- (Repealed).

Article 996 .- (Repealed).

Article 997 .- (Repealed).




Article 998 .- (Repealed).

Article 999 .- (Repealed).

Section 1000 .- (Repealed).

Section 1001 .- (Repealed).

Section 1002 .- (Repealed).

Section 1003 .- (Repealed).

Article 1004 .- (Repealed).

Section 1005 .- (Repealed).

Article 1006 .- (Repealed).

Article 1007 .- (Repealed).

Article 1008 .- (Repealed).




Article 1009 .- (Repealed).

Article 1010 .- (Repealed).

Article 1011 .- (Repealed).

Article 1012 .- (Repealed).

Article 1013 .- (Repealed).

Article 1014 .- (Repealed).

Article 1015 .- (Repealed).


General Provisions Relating to Bankruptcy in Corporations


Article 1016 .- (Repealed).

Article 1017 .- (Repealed).

Article 1018 .- (Repealed).

Article 1019 .- (Repealed).

Article 1020 .- (Repealed).

Article 1021 .- (Repealed).

Article 1022 .- (Repealed).

Section 1023 .- (Repealed).

Article 1024 .- (Repealed).

Article 1025 .- (Repealed).


Bankruptcy of Companies and Businesses of Railways and other Public Works


Section 1026 .- (Repealed).

Section 1027 .- (Repealed).

Section 1028 .- (Repealed).

Section 1029 .- (Repealed).

Section 1030 .- (Repealed).

Section 1031 .- (Repealed).

Section 1032 .- (Repealed).

Section 1033 .- (Repealed).

Section 1034 .- (Repealed).

Section 1035 .- (Repealed).

Section 1036 .- (Repealed).

Section 1037 .- (Repealed).


The requirements

Section 1038 .- The actions arising from commercial acts shall be prescribed in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

Section 1039 .- The terms set for the exercise of shares from commercial acts shall be fatal, but against them for restitution.

Section 1040 .- In the commercial prescription negative, the period shall run from the day that the action could be legally enforceable in court.

Section 1041 .- The period of limitation for any claim or other kind of judicial questioning the debtor made ​​for the recognition of obligations, or the renewal of the document relied upon by the creditor's right.

Be considered as non-prescription interrupted by any judicial, if the actor would desist from it or rejected your claim.

.- Section 1042, starting the new term of limitation in case of recognition of the obligations from the day is done, in the renewal from the date of the new title, and if it is any extended period of compliance of the obligation, since it had expired.

Section 1043 .- In a year expire:

I. - The action of the retail merchants for sales that have been done that way on credit, counting time for each item separately from the day the sale was made, except for current account takes between stakeholders;

II .- The action of the clerks for their salaries, telling the time from the day of their separation;

III .- (Repealed).

IV .- The actions aim to establish the liability of agents or brokers stock trade obligations involved by reason of his office;

V. - (Repealed).

VI .- The actions arising out of services, works, supplies or supplies cash or money to build, repair, equip and victual the ships and keep the crew;

VII .- (Repealed).

VIII .- (Repealed).

Section 1044 .- (Repealed).

Section 1045 .- The limitation of five years:

I. - The actions under the contract of Company and corporate transactions in regard to rights and obligations of the Society for the partners of members to the Society and partners to each other by reason of the Company;

II .- The actions that can compete against the Liquidation of the same companies because of their request.

Section 1046 .- The action to claim ownership of a ship prescribes in ten years, even though it lacks title or possession in good faith.

The captain of a ship can not acquire it by virtue of the prescription.

Section 1047 .- In all cases in which this Code does not provide for a shorter limitation, ordinary prescription in trade will be completed over the course of ten years.

Section 1048 .- The requirement in the commercial run against minors and, without prejudice to their rights to claim against their guardians or curators.


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