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Manual Single National Disability Rating to Colombia - Decree 917 of 1999 (Part II of II) - Chapter X 10. SKIN 10.1 General


10. SKIN

10.1 General

In this chapter we assess the pathology of chronic course I relapsed or which by their nature are irreversible and impossible to eradicate, that cause permanent impairment of the skin and affect performance in all activities of the individual. For skin lesions associated with systemic diseases are assessed to be
be carried out in that chapter.


a) For all skin conditions
b) To burn.
c) To scars.
d) To skin malignancies.

10.2 EVALUATION OF IMPAIRMENT BY skin conditions

The following are the criteria for evaluation of the deficiency of skin diseases:

· Anamnesis
· Consideration physical and mental
· Studies specific additional (test skin biopsies, immunology, smear etc.)

10.3 Criteria for evaluation of global deficiency diseases of the skin to the evaluation of skin lesions should be taken into account:

  • The affected areas
  • The depth
  • The extent of injury
  • The degree of difficulty caused labor

TABLE No. 10.1: CRITERIA FOR GLOBAL GAP Assessment of the skin pathology

Global% Class Deficiency Criteria

I • There are symptoms and signs of skin disorder · Limitation on tasks in daily life: none or minimal treatment, or in more extensive physical, chemical agents, temporarily. • Need for treatment: 1.0-2.4 Temporary

II • There are symptoms and signs of skin disorder · Limitation on tasks in daily life: Some tasks • Need of Treatment: Intermittent 2.5 - 7.4

III • There are symptoms and signs of skin disorder · Limitation on tasks in daily life: Many tasks • Need for treatment: Continuous 7.5 - 19.9

IV • There are symptoms and signs of skin disorder · Limitation on tasks in daily life: Many tasks • Need for treatment: Continuous • The confinement to home or other residence is optional 20 - 29.9

V • There are symptoms and signs of skin disorder · Limitation on tasks in daily life: limited • Need Intense Treatment: Continuous • The home confinement or other pathologies residence necesario30% belonging to the class V: exfoliative dermatitis , ichthyosis, erythroderma, pemphigus, mulrigorme exudative erythema, exudate pemphigoid, dermatitis herpetiformis, deep fungal infection, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, dyshidrosis, Hidradenitis suppurativa, acne comglobata. Pathologies such as vitiligo, herpigmentaciones, pigmented nevus angiomas, per se do not cause damage to the function, but if they occur in the performance of the individual in activities of daily living, so they are evaluated there.

10.4 Criteria for evaluation of the overall deficit from burns. To determine the degree of disability caused by a burn, be taken into account:

a) Extension
b) Depth
c) Undertaking of joint mobility
d) aesthetic sequelae.

a)    Length: to quantify the extent of the injury will apply the "rule of nine", which is assigned 36% of body surface to the chest and back, 36% to the lower extremities, 18% of both upper limbs , 9% to 1% of head and the genitals (male or female).
b)    The depth of the burn is evaluated as follows:


A Superficial or epidermal 25% of the percentage of body surface area injured dermis50% AB Epidermis and percentage of body surface area injured
B dermis to fascia or bone Just to the affected area
c) Undertaking of joint mobility: assessed in the chapter.
d) aesthetic sequelae: assessment, insofar as it affects the ability to perform a job or occupational disability.
e) superficial lesions heal without scarring or sequelae, are not being evaluated.

10.5 Criteria for evaluation of the overall deficit by scars.

For purposes of qualifying for the loss of earning capacity, scars as such do not generate skin deficiency, except those with a residual occupational disability, to which is assigned a value of 2% of overall deficit. The aftermath or commitment of structures located in the affected area (eg, eye or joint) will be assessed in the chapters.

10.6. Criteria for evaluating the overall deficit for skin malignancies. These are assessed in the chapter on neoplasms.


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