In Los Angeles, Ca., Elizabeth Taylor was buried in a private funeral and felt

(Liz Taylor)

Elizabeth Taylor 

"Cleopatra - 1963"

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Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor, Inseparable friends

The remains of the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor, accountability very close to the King of Pop and his inseparable friend Michael Jackson, in the cemetery in Los Angeles Ca and private funeral ceremony was preceded by a small entourage or caravan of closest friends and family, yet their fans, onlookers and reporters were present in the vicinity of it, without having direct access to the private ceremony.

Elizabeth Taylor and the Fight Against AIDS

Elizabeth Taylor, was famous as an advocate and activist for the rights diligent and quality of life of people living with HIV, in addition to sponsoring many campaigns and organizations to raise funds towards study and a more effective drugs possible cure of human immunodeficiency syndrome, better known as AIDS.

Deep Sleep Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor: Luck, Coincidence or Fate

The consummate actress and twice winner of the Academy Awards Oscar for his 79 years was buried at Forest Lawn in Glendale located on the outskirts of Los Angeles, coincidentally or intentionally "not know", the same place too rests the King of Pop Michael Jackson, who died on June 25, 2009 tragically apparently from an overdose of sleeping pills and / or tranquilizers.

Why, Hermeticism Both the Burial of Elizabeth Taylor!

Spokesmen for the late artist: Elizabeth Taylor, did not issue any official statement on the death of the actress, just simply tell the media that would be made a public ceremony at the time and would be released before the details of the same at a future date, a date has not yet been clarified.

"Many are called but few are chosen"

Police officer Tom Lorenz commissioned officer and informed the media, who waited outside the cemetery, that: The ceremony was just for the family, and who attended the private funeral ceremony about 30 people.

Elizabeth Taylor, was known internationally for having married 8 times, leaving 4 children, 4 grandchildren and 10 grandchildren.

Neighbors and unique as she stars in her Tomb

The Diva and actress was buried next to the biggest celebrities of film and entertainment world such as Walt Disney, Jean Harlow, Clark Gable, among others.

Taylor Lorenz police spokesman, said the actress Elizabeth Taylor was buried in the Great Mausoleum in the cemetery of the Angels, but not next to Michael Jackson.


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