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Followers of Elizabeth Taylor - "Liz Taylor", Make It A Posthumous Homage To The Hall Of Fame In Hollywood

Elizabeth Taylor in the hall of fame in hollywood, Liz Taylor a Heart Philanthropist, Elizabeth Taylor A Heart Philanthropist, Liz Taylor 1986 Dressed Gala That was their seal, Elizabeth Taylor Dressed Gala, Elizabeth Taylor Blue Dressed Gala, Liz Taylor Dressed Gala, Liz Taylor Blue Dressed Gala. -

Liz Taylor (1986)

Dressed Gala

That was their seal

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Elizabeth Taylor in the hall of fame in Hollywood.

Hundreds of followers of the deceased actress and big screen icon Elizabeth Taylor, known as Liz Taylor. His followers were around the star the actress in the Boulevard of Fame in Hollywood, California.

The Twilight of a Star that will not fail to shine in the hearts and minds of his fans and followers. ("LIZ TAYLOR" - ELIZABETH TAYLOR - 1932/2011)

The star of Cleopatra, who always sought fame, who in life enjoyed by the handful and even after death as surely would have loved, I was able to assume, for Elizabeth Taylor will always be remembered as: "Lyz Taylor's wife violet eyes," to their fans and followers who paid him a tribute, with all kinds of items alluding to his image and work well as reminders of all kinds, such as cards, photographs, flowers, banners, balloons, chocolates, etc..

It really was an unexpected posthumous tribute with a huge attendance, by not only their fans and followers but also his friends, known characters in the entertainment world, especially the big screen, as well as actors and television presenters : Larry King, Who deeply regretted the death of Elizabeth Taylor Diva better known as ("LIZ TAYLOR", the unforgettable woman of the violet eyes.) another close friend and actor acknowledged that the deep mind the death of the renowned actress was: Michael Caine.

"LIZ TAYLOR" A Heart Philanthropist

Elizabeth Taylor, Will be remembered by many and very prolific facets of his personality between these facets will be remembered for: His 8 marriages, his undeniable gift of acting, his innate ability for business, as proven by registering his name as a trademark product colony beauty with her successful perfume called "White Diamonds"Without a doubt in this respect also possessed undeniable innate powers, because left to his heirs royalties for their million dollar artwork and a multimillion-dollar cosmetics company. Will also be remembered for his tardiness, which she saw as a defect but as a distinctive characteristic of a Hollywood star.

However, and all that and no doubt was Elizabeth Taylor, better known as Lyz Taylor, a woman blessed by heaven for his great gifts. But perhaps the most impressive highlight of his personality and very strong Piscean is his role: "Philanthropy." Yes, Elizabeth Taylor, was a philanthropist at heart, lover of animals who were loved for it not only felt they had the ability to ration and the same sensitivity of humans and even greater and more evolved, from their point of sight, and perhaps was not wrong because animals have proven to be highly evolved beings and superior to us humans, in terms of respect for life and living in society.

The philanthropic wife Liz Taylor was not only an advocate championed the rights of animals but a fervent defender of the rights of people living with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) - AIDS, the last day of his life and since 1985, used his image of Diva to raise funds for charitable institutions that help people with AIDS and especially towards the achievement of a final vaccine or drugs more effective and less toxic and easily affordable for the population world, such was his contribution in this regard that no doubt we were facing a philanthropist at heart, for it will be recognized as: "LIZ TAYLOR"A Philanthropist of Heart.

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