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Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Part V - Contract Security - Chapter II - Damage Insurance - Section IV - Liability Insurance - From: Section 1127 By: Art . 1133


Section IV

Liability Insurance

Section 1127 .- Modified. Law 45 of 1990, Section 84. Nature of liability insurance. Insurance liability imposed by the insurer the obligation to compensate the damages that cause insured property by reason of certain liability incurred in accordance with law and aims to redress for the victim, which in virtue of this it is in the beneficiary of the compensation, without prejudice to the benefits which may recognize the insured. Are insurable contractual liability and tort, as well as negligence, with the restriction referred to in Article 1055.
Section 1128 .- Modified. Law 45 of 1990, Section 85. Liability of the insurer. The insurer shall be liable as well, even in excess of the sum insured for the costs of the process the third victim or his successors promoted against him or the insured, except that:
1. If the responsibility comes from intent or gross negligence, or is expressly excluded from the insurance contract;
2. If the insured faces the trial order from the insurer, and
3. If the sentence for the damage caused to the victim exceeds the sum which, under the relevant articles of this Title defines the liability of the insurer, it is only liable for the costs of the process in proportion to the amount he
could claim compensation.
Section 1129 .- Is void, and void, the professional liability insurance when the profession and its exercise does not enjoy the protection of the State or at the time of conclusion of the contract, the insured is not legally able to practice.

Section 1130 .- Professional liability insurance contract validly terminated when the insured is legally unable to exercise their profession.Section 1131 .- Modified. Act 45 of 1990, Art 86. Setting the incident in the liability insurance. In liability insurance means the accident occurred at the time on which they occur outside the fact attributable to the insured, the date from which the prescription will run on the victim. Against the insurer that will occur from when the victim makes the request it or out of court.Section 1132 .- In the event of bankruptcy or creditors of the insured, the victim's credit shall order of priority assigned to the first-class credit, then of the Treasury.Section 1133 .- Modified. Act 45 of 1990, Art 87. Action of the victims in liability insurance. In liability insurance the victims have direct action against the insurer. The proof of right to the insurer, in accordance with article 1077, the victim in the exercise of direct action in one process may prove liability of the insured and the insurer's compensation claim.


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