Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Title VIII - Contract Hosting - From: Section 1192 to: 1199 Art




Section 1192 .- The accommodations will be against the commercial when accommodation and ancillary services rendered by companies engaged in such activity.
Section 1193 .- The accommodation contract shall conform to regulations issued by the official or agency approved by the government.
Section 1194 .- The official rules may limit the amount of the employer's responsibility regardless of the amount of damages.
Section 1195 .- Guests are entitled to deliver upon receipt entrepreneurs or managers of hotels, hostels, pensions, sleepers, clinics, nursing homes, hospitals and similar businesses, money and valuables for safekeeping.
The employer may refuse to receive them when they are objects of considerable value or too bulky.
Section 1196 .- The employer's liability shall be the depositary. This will cease when the theft, loss or damage of things deposited attributable to negligence of the depositor, its employees, guests or companions, or the nature or vice of the thing.
Section 1197 .- This contract will end:
1. By the deadline;
2. A lack of time, by notice given by one party to another, with twelve hours in advance;
3. For failure to pay;
4. For violation of official rules, and
5. On other grounds expressly agreed.
Section 1198 .- Terminate the contract by the employer, shall proceed before witnesses, prepare and sign an inventory of the effects or baggage of the client and may withdraw the accommodation.
Section 1199 .- If the guest does not pay your account, the employer may bring a hammer assets to be disposed authorized at public auction and the proceeds shall be paid.

The remaining liquid is deposited in a bank available to the client.


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