Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Title XIV - Brokerage - Section II - Rear Insurance - From: Section 1347 to: 1353 Art

Section II


Section 1347 .- Insurance brokers are companies incorporated or constituted as companies commercial, or limited collective, whose corporate purpose is solely to provide insurance, promote your celebration and get their renewal as an intermediary between the insured and the insurer.
Section 1348 .- The companies engaged in insurance brokerage, is subject to control and surveillance of the Banking Superintendency and must have minimum capital and technical and accounting organization, subject to the rules adopted by the Superintendent the same effect.
Section 1349 .- The insurance brokerage company must register with the Banking, an organization that will provide a certificate stating that as a runner, with which you can perform the activities of its corporate purpose to all insurers and the general public.
Section 1350 .- To register for the previous article that the company must demonstrate that its managing partners and administrators are qualified persons in accordance with the law and regulations issued by the Superintendency of Banks and declare under oath that neither society nor the partners incur the grounds of disability or incompatibility provided by the (literal) to d) of Article 13 of Act 65 of 1966) *.
* Financial System Organic Statute, Art 77, Number 2.
Section 1351 .- You may use the title insurance brokers and companies in this profession duly registered with the Superintendency of Banks, which have current certificate issued by that body.
Section 1352 .- Repealed. Financial System Organic Statute.
Section 1353 .- The government will regulate this title.


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