Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Part I - From Corporate Obligations - Title I - General Obligations - Chapter II - Presentation - From: Section 832 to: Article 844



The representation

Article 832 .- There will be voluntary representation when a person authorizes another to celebrate in your name one or more legal transactions. The act by which that power is granted is called a proxy and may be accompanied by other legal transactions.
Article 833 .- The proposed legal business or completed by the representative on behalf of the principal, within the limits of his powers, produce effects directly related to it.
The rule does not apply to the proposed business or held by an intermediary that does not have authority to represent.
Article 834 .- In cases where the law provides a state of good faith, of knowledge or ignorance of certain facts should be taken into account the person's representative, except in the case of circumstances relating to the principal.
In no case represented in bad faith may rely in good faith or ignorance of the representative.
Article 835 .- Good faith is presumed, even the blameless. Who alleges bad faith or fault of any person, or claim that it knew or should have known certain event, you should try it.
Article 836 .- The power to conclude a legal transaction to be recorded by deed, shall be conferred hereby or by duly authenticated private document.
Article 837 .- The third party contracts with the representative may, in any case require this to justify their powers, and if the representation is from a written document, entitled to be furnished a certified copy thereof.
Article 838 .- The legal transaction concluded by the representative in stark contrast to the principal's interests, may be terminated at his request, when this opposition is or may be known by the middle third with diligence and care.
Article 839 .- The representative can not make representations or agreements counterpart of himself, on his own behalf or as representative of a third party without the express permission of the principal.
In no case may the representative avail against the will of the renderer of the completed act in violation of that prohibition and shall be liable to compensate the damage he caused.
Article 840 .- The representative may perform the acts within the ordinary course of business whose management has been entrusted, but you need a special power to those for which the law requires it.
Article 841 .- That contract on behalf of another without authority or beyond the limit of it, be liable to the third party in good faith free of guilt for the provision of value promised or when not possible compliance, and other damages to the third party derived or represented thereby.
Article 842 .- Who gives reason to be created, according to business customs or his guilt, a person is empowered to conclude a legal transaction, shall be bound under the terms agreed with third parties in good faith free of guilt.
Article 843 .- Modification and revocation of power must be brought to the attention of others, by suitable means. Failing that, they will be unenforceable unless it is proved that the third party knew of the modification or revocation at the time to perfect the business.
Other causes of extinction of the mandate will not be enforceable against third parties in good faith.
Article 844 .- The ratification of the applicant, if done with the same formalities required by law to ratify the legal business, have retroactive effect, except insofar as the rights of others injured.


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