Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book II - Of Corporations - Title VI - Company - Chapter III - Management and Administration - Section II - Board - From: Section 434 to: Article 439


Section II

Board of Directors

Article 434 .- The powers of the board shall be expressed in the statutes. The board shall consist of least three members, each have an alternate. In the absence of express provision to the contrary, the alternates shall be numeric.
Article 435 .- There may not be on the boards formed a majority with people either related by marriage or kinship within the third degree of consanguinity or second degree, or first civil societies except recognized as family. If a board is elected contrary to this provision shall not act and will continue in office the previous meeting, which convened immediately to the assembly for new elections.
Will lack any effectiveness of decisions taken by the board by a vote of a majority contravenes the provisions of this article.
Article 436 .- The main and alternate board will be elected by the general assembly, for specified periods and electoral quotient, without prejudice to be reappointed or removed freely by the same assembly.
Article 437 .- The board will deliberate and decide validly on the presence and the votes of a majority of its members, unless a higher quorum estipulare.
The board may be convened by herself, by the legal representative by the auditor or by two members acting as principals.
Article 438 .- Except statutory provision to the contrary, be presumed that the board will have sufficient powers to order the executing or any act or contract falling within the social order and take the necessary

decisions in order that the company complies with its aims.
Article 439 .- Repealed. Act 222 of 1995, Arts. 46 and 47.


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