Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Part II - Sale and Swap - Chapter II - The Thing Sold - From: Section 911 By: Art 919



The thing sold

Article 911 .- The purchase of a body or a certain genre that has "view" does not mean that Buyer reserves the right to like or try the thing, unless it is from those usually available in such a way, or that the buyer reserves those powers. In these cases the contract is concluded only when the buyer's consent, once tasted the thing or verified test.
Article 912 .- If the parties do not set time to test or taste the thing, the buyer must do so within three days, counted from the moment you put it by the seller under contract thing, and if it does , the seller may dispose of it.
But if the buyer gets the thing to try or taste, and within three days of its receipt is not given notice of its rejection of the vendor, it is understood that the contract is concluded.
The seller must bring the matter to the purchaser within twenty-four hours after the convention, unless the parties' agreement, custom or nature of the thing is apparent another term.
Article 913 .- If the sale is made "on sample" a certain quality or commercially known or determined in the contract, subject to conditions precedent if the thing does not conform to the sample or quality.
If the buyer refuses to receive it, claiming not conform to sample quality or determined, the dispute shall be submitted to the decision of experts who dictate whether or not the thing of receipt. If the experts dictate the affirmative, the buyer may not refuse a thing and, otherwise, the buyer is entitled to the return of what has already been paid compensation for damages *.
* Modified. Code of Civil Procedure.
Article 435. - Modified. Decree 2282 of 1989, Article 1. Number 239. Matters covered. Be processed in one instance by the procedure governing this chapter (verbal summary process), the following issues:
Paragraph 1. In consideration of its nature:
8. The cases provided for in Articles 913, 914, 918, 931, 940, first paragraph, 1231, 1469 and 2026 to 2032 of the Commercial Code.
Article 914 .- Procurement of genres that are not in sight or qualify for a specified quality known in the trade, or determined in the contract, simply give the seller the healthy medium quality, and if the buyer claims that are received, the controversy and its effects are subject to the rules established in the previous article *.
* Modified. Code of Civil Procedure.
Article 435. - Modified. Decree 2282 of 1989, Article 1. Number 239. Matters covered. Be processed in one instance by the procedure governing this chapter (verbal summary process), the following issues:
Paragraph 1. In consideration of its nature:
8. The cases provided for in Articles 913, 914, 918, 931, 940, first paragraph, 1231, 1469 and 2026 to 2032 of the Commercial Code.
Article 915 .- In general, when the seller to deliver the thing compels the buyer in a particular place, the contract is subject to the condition that she be given full, safe and sound to the buyer.
Article 916 .- When the buyer, upon receipt of the thing, unless it alleges the type or quality agreed upon, or may not be received, the difference be subjected to the verbal intervention of experts.
Article 917 .- The sale of future thing will be perfect only when it exists, unless otherwise stated or the nature of the contract appears to be random purchases.
If things get to have only partial existence the purchaser may cancel the contract or to persevere in it fair pricing.
Article 918 .- The purchase of a "body true" that the time to perfect the existing contract and there is no effect whatsoever, unless the parties take as a random object of the contract of its existence and the seller ignore your loss.
If you miss a considerable part of the perfect thing at the time of the contract, the purchaser may withdraw from it or take it for subsisting paying the price appraised by experts or experts *.
Whoever knowingly sell it in whole or in part does not exist, the buyer will compensate the damages in good faith.
* Modified. Code of Civil Procedure.
Article 435. - Modified. Decree 2282 of 1989, Article 1. Number 239. Matters covered. Be processed in one instance by the procedure governing this chapter (verbal summary process), the following issues:
Paragraph 1. In consideration of its nature:
8. The cases provided for in Articles 913, 914, 918, 931, 940, first paragraph, 1231, 1469 and 2026 to 2032 of the Commercial Code.
Article 919 .- The natural fruit hanging at the time of delivery, and all the fruits, both natural and civilians after the thing produced, belong to the purchaser in good faith free of guilt.


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