Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Part V - Contract Security - Chapter II - Damage Insurance - Section V - Reinsurance - From: Section 1134 to: 1136 Art


Section V


Modified 1134 .- Art. Act 45 of 1990, Art 88. Responsibility of the reinsurer. Under the contract reinsurance contract the reinsurer to the insurer of the same obligations that it has contracted with the policyholder or insured, and shares similar luck in the development of the insurance contract, unless you check the insurer's bad faith, in which case the contract reinsurance has no effect.
The reinsurer's liability shall not cease in any event, before the statute of limitations for actions arising under the contract of insurance.
These terms can not be modified by the parties.
Section 1135 .- The reinsurance is a contract for third. The insured lacks in virtue of such direct action against the reinsurer, and this bond for the former.
Section 1136 .- The provisions of this title, except for public order and which are related to the essence of the insurance contract, will only apply to the reinsurance contract in the absence of contractual provision.


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