Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Title IX - Garment - From: Section 1200 to: 1203 Art




Section 1200 .- may levy pledge all types of property. The garment may be formed with or without possession of the thing.
Section 1201 .- may not engage another's property without permission from the owner. If the pledge constituted the creditor is aware that foreign goods are ignored, the right to require the debtor or other adequate security for the immediate payment of the debt.
Section 1202 .- The judge at the request of either party, order the auction then hammer, stock or other similar establishment to work legally in place. It may also order that the encumbered assets are auctioned individually or separate lots.
Section 1203 .- Any stipulation which, directly or indirectly in the form openly or hidden, tends to allow the creditor has a lien or appropriates by means other than those provided by law, have no effect.


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