Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - First Book - Of Merchants and Trade Affairs - Title I - Merchants - Chapter I - Merchants Rating - From Article 10 to Article 18
Rating traders
The quality of trader acquires although commercial activity is exerted through an attorney, broker or an intermediary.
11 .-
People occasionally running business operations are not considered
traders, but subject to trade rules in respect of these operations.
12 .- Anyone
under the common law has the capacity to contract and to commit, is
able to engage in commerce, which under those same laws are incapable,
are unqualified to perform commercial acts.
ITEM 2. AND 3. Repealed. Law 27 of 1977.
minors can, with permission from their legal representatives, engage in
commercial activities on behalf or on behalf of others under the
direction and responsibility of these.
13 .- For all legal purposes a person is presumed to engage in commerce in the following cases:
1. When entered in the commercial register;
2. When you have a place of open trade, and
3. When you advertise to the public as a trader by any means.
14 .- Shall be competent to conduct business directly or through another person:
1. surrogate. Act 222 of 1995.
2. Officials from official and semiofficial entities for commercial activities that relate to their functions and
3. Other persons who by law or court order prohibiting the exercise of commercial activities.
trade or business activity is determined by exercising an unqualified
person, it shall be punished with fines up to fifty thousand successive
weights that impose civil judge circuit address of the offender, ex
officio or upon request of any person, without prejudice to the
penalties provided by special rules.
15 .-
The merchant who takes possession of a position that disqualification
for the exercise of trade, notify the respective chamber through a copy
of the act or action for possession or a certificate of the officer
before whom the proceedings are completed within ten days of date
possessed evidence of the compliance of this obligation, within twenty
days of possession, to the official who made the appointment, by a
certificate of the Chamber of Commerce, under penalty of loss of office
or employment concerned.
16 .-
Whenever you were convicted for crimes against property, public faith,
the national economy, industry and trade, or smuggling, unfair
competition, misappropriation of intellectual property rights and turn
of bad checks against the deposit or account canceled, as an additional
penalty shall be imposed the ban to conduct business from two to ten
17 .- Will be lost as a trader by the supervening incapacity or inability to engage in commerce.
18 .-
The nullification from lack of capacity to engage in trade, shall be
declared and can be corrected as provided in the common law, without
prejudice to special provisions of this Code.