Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book III - Of Commercial Property - Title II - Industrial Property - Chapter I - New Creations - Section II - Industrial Designs - From: Section 572 By: Art 582


Section II 

Industrial Designs

Article 572 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 573 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 574 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 575 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 576 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 577 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 578 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 579 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.
Article 580 .- The IPO, the public prosecutor or any person may request invalidation of the registration of a design, if they are new or if they refer to any technical advantage.
The jurisdiction of this action shall be the State Council.
Article 581 .- Modified. Decision 344 of 1993. They apply as appropriate to design, patent related items a. .. employees or agents creating ... review and publication of patents ... system of community ... waiver of the right and provisions on precautionary measures *.
* Ellipses indicate the sections covered by Decision 344 of 1993 of the Cartagena Agreement Commission, which have been deleted.
Article 582 .- Surrogate. Decision 344 of 1993.


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