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Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - First Book - Of Merchants and Trade Affairs - Title I - Merchants - Chapter II - Duties of Traders - From Article 19 to Article 25



Duties of the traders

19 .- It is the duty of every trader:
1. Enroll in the commercial register;
2. Enroll in the commercial register of all acts, books and documents on which the formalities required by law;
3. Keep accounts of its business in accordance with legal requirements;
4. Store in accordance with the law, correspondence and other documents relating to its business or activities;
5. Surrogate. Act 222 of 1995.
6. Refrain from acts of unfair competition.



20 .- They are trading for all legal purposes:
1. The acquisition of goods for consideration destined for selling them in the same way, and the disposition thereof;
2. The acquisition for value of property destined for lease, the leasing thereof; the leasing of all types of goods to sublet and sublease the same;
3. The receipt of money in mutual interest, with or without a guarantee, to give it on loan and subsequent loans, and often give money in mutual interest;
4. The acquisition or disposal, for consideration of commercial establishments, and the pledge, lease, management and other similar transactions related thereto;
5. The intervention as a partner in the establishment of commercial companies, events management or trading them for consideration of the parties of interest, fees or actions;
6. The twist, granting, acceptance, warranty or negotiation of securities and the purchase for resale, exchange, etc.., Thereof;
7. The bank, bags, or hammer;
8. The brokerage, business agencies and the representation of domestic and foreign firms;
9. Exploitation or provision of ports, harbors, bridges, roads and airfields;
10. Insurance companies and insurance business;
11. The carriers of persons or things, for consideration, whatever the route and the means used;
12. Companies in manufacturing, processing, manufacturing and circulation of goods;
13. Businesses deposit of goods, supplies or supplies, public entertainment and sale of all goods;
14. Publishers, lithographic, photographic, information and propaganda and the other for the provision of services;
15. The works or construction companies, repair, assembly, installation or ornamentation;
16. Companies for the development and commercial exploitation of the forces and resources of nature;
17. Business development companies and the purchase, sale, administration, custody or movement of all goods; 
18. Construction companies, repair, sale and purchase of vehicles for transport by land, water and air, and accessories, and
19. Other acts and contracts covered by commercial law.
21 .- It will likewise as all acts of commercial traders or companies related to trading activities, and executed by anyone to ensure compliance with trade obligations.
22 .- If the act was commercial for one of the parties shall be governed by the provisions of commercial law.
23 .- There are commercial:
1. Procurement of goods destined for domestic consumption or use of the acquirer and the disposition thereof or of the surplus;
2. The procurement of goods to produce artistic works and the disposal of these by its author;
3. The acquisitions made by officers or employees for public service purposes;
4. Disposals do farmers and ranchers directly the fruits of their crops or livestock in its natural state. Nor will transform business activities of such fruits that made farmers and ranchers, provided that such transformation is itself a company, and
5. The provision of services relating to the professions.
24 .- Enumerations contained in Articles 20and 23 are declarative and not limiting.
25 .- Means undertaking any activity organized for the production, processing, circulation, administration or custody of property, or for the provision of services. This activity will take place through one or more commercial establishments.


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