Spanish Commercial Code - Book II - Contracts and Obligations in General - Part IV - Commercial Assignment


Title IV


Article 162. The assignment of a non-endorsement is subject to the rules established in the Title of the transfer of rights of the Civil Code. The notification shall be made ​​in a minister of faith, exhibiting the respective title. To give you a simple enough request of the transferee.
Article 163. A debtor who is notified of the assignment and have to raise defenses that are not given the title, you must present them in the act of notification, or within three days at the latest, failing which later not be accepted. The exceptions appear to view the document born of the contract or may assert against the assignee in the same way they would have opposed against the assignor.
Article 164. The transfer of documents to the order shall be by endorsement, and the bearer documents by mere tradition manual.
Article 165. The transfer of marketable Treasury bills will be made ​​in the manner determined by the laws of its creation or the decrees authorizing their issuance.


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