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Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book IV - Of Contracts and Corporate Obligations - Title IV - Transportation Agreement - Chapter II - Transportation of Persons - From: Section 1000 to: 1007 Art



Transportation of people

Section 1000 .- Modified. Decree 01 of 1990, Section 15. The passenger is obliged to pay the passage and
observe the safety conditions imposed by the carrier and by government regulations and meet the regulations of the company, the latter if they are displayed in places where they are easily known by the user or included in the ticket or ticket.
The contract to another by relatively incapable person shall not be voidable.
Section 1001 .- The ticket or ticket issued by the transport operator shall contain the specifications required by the official regulations and may be transferred only in accordance with them.
Section 1002 .- Modified. Decree 01 of 1990, Section 16. The passenger transport can cancel the contract entitled to full or partial repayment of the passage, giving notice to the carrier, as is established in the official rules, the contract or failing that, by custom.
Section 1003 .- The transporter responsible for all damage occurring to the passenger from the time they take care of it. His responsibilities include, in addition, damage caused by vehicles used by him and those that occur at sites of loading and unloading, parking or waiting, or facilities of any kind to use a protractor to the contract.
This responsibility shall cease only when the trip is completed, and also in any of the following cases:
1. When damage occurs by the exclusive work of others;
2. When damage occurs due to force majeure, but this can not be held culpable when attributable to the carrier, which in any way be the cause of the damage;
3. When damage occurs due solely to the passenger, or organ damage or previous condition of it that have not been aggravated as a result of acts attributable to the carrier, and
4. When loss occurs, or damage to things in accordance with the rules of the enterprise may be "at hand" and have not been transferred to the custody of the carrier.
Section 1004 .- The transportation of passenger baggage and things that the carrier is obliged to drive as part of the contract of carriage of persons or for additional or separate agreement shall be subject to the rules prescribed in Articles 1013 et seq.
Section 1005 .- Modified. Decree 01 of 1990, Section 17. The carrier who knowingly being forced to drive sick, insane, minors must provide them within their means, the ordinary care required by their state or condition. In addition, be liable for damage caused by lack of such care, and in any case of that cause these people to other passengers or goods carried.

The liability and other obligations relating to the contract, for the sick, children or insane, only cease when they are entrusted to those who have to take care of them, according to the instructions given to the carrier.
The disclaimer clauses in relation to the facts in this article will not produce effects.
Section 1006 .- The heirs of the deceased passenger as a result of an accident occurring during the execution of the contract of carriage, no action may be exercised cumulatively transmitted by his predecessor contract and tort arising from personal injury inflicted death has them, but they may try them separately or on.
In either case, if proved, will result in compensation for moral damages.
Section 1007 .- The carrier may retain all or part of the luggage and other things of passenger transport until it is paid the value of the relevant passage or freight or baggage of such things, when you place it.


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