Colombian Commercial Code - Decree 410 of 1971 - Book II - Of Corporations - Title VI - Company - Chapter I - Constitution of the Company - From Article 373 to Article 376





Constitution of the corporation 

Article 373 .- The corporation is formed by the meeting of a social fund provided by shareholders liable up to the amount of their contributions, will be managed by temporary and revocable and managers have a name followed by the words "Sociedad Anonima" or the letters " SA "
If society is formed, part or announced without such specification, administrators jointly and severally liable for the operations, social to be held.
Article 374 .- The corporation shall not constitute or operate with less than five shareholders.
Article 375 .- The capital of the corporation is divided into shares of equal value to be represented in securities.
Article 376 .- The constitution of the company shall subscribe not less than fifty percent of authorized capital and paid no less than a third of the value of each share of capital subscribed.
To disclosure of the authorized capital must be given at the same time, the number of subscribed capital and the paid.


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